Monday, December 24, 2012

Util to rename files in bulk

I was kinda bored and have a full week vacation... so, wanted to organize the mp3 files I have... There are a lot of files and some of the names start with numbers and some files don't. I really hate this inconsistency. If only there is a util to rename all these files which has number in the beginning of their names... Instead of manually renaming hundred of files, I wrote a small program which will remove the numbers in front of the files.

I don't know if anyone else will ever need such a program, but I wanted to share it. You can get the program from here (

Requirements :
  • You will need latest Java Runtime Environment 1.7
  • Download the file and double click on it. It should work.
    • If it does not work (or the file gets opened by WinRar or WinZip), don't panic :)
    • Open Command Prompt (Start -> Run) and type cmd 
    • Navigate to the location where to downloaded the file (cd give-file-location-here)
    • Type java -jar FileRenamer.jar and press enter
  • A disclaimer will be shown. Press OK to continue. Pressing Cancel or Esc will exit the program.
  • A File Chooser will be shown. Choose the folder in which you have the files which need to be renamed to no-number file names.
  • Tadaa... A summary will be shown and all the files would have been renamed.
  • This program is given for free without any warranties. (I tested it in Windows 7 with Java 1.7)
  • If it does  not work, I am sorry for your time.
  • Just to be safe, take a back up of the files and then run the program. Once you verify that everything is all right, you can remove the backup.
 In case you used it and found it useful, you can leave a comment with your experience. Enjoy!